MOM, Do you know where _____ is? Mommy, can we _______? For a lot of us, these are just the ebbs and flows of dialog in our homes. So Let’s be honest, Mother’s Day is an amazing day to be pampered. I look forward to that amazing breakfast that comes to me served in bed. Making a person feel spoiled on any day is a fantabulous feeling, and doesn’t need to be limited. So to help you help those who love you, just leave this page open. These Tips for Making Mom Breakfast are simple but hold a lot of weight.
Coffee, this is the biggest one for me (just set the coffee pot timer and pre-make your cup and you are all set)
Shop before the day, make sure you have ingredients that your family can use
Keep it simple (honestly mom will be happy with anything you make)
Fruit is always a great way to make things look fancyHere’s a great video we found on You Tube for prepping fruit
10 Tips for Making Mom Breakfast
Know what mom likes, if you are just going to make some amazing toast creation, make sure it’s the bread she likes
Tips for Making Mom Breakfast
Think about upgrading the norm, again toast is fine but oh my a croissant adds an amazing wow factor
Coffee, yes this is a biggie in my house. You could do something special by having a flavored creamer.
Juice, tea or water, notice I did not mention coffee again. There should be something to drink. Use a nice cup, no plastic this time.
Look at how you are serving, the overall aesthetics (grab that pretty plate, fold that napkin. This small touches make a huge impact.)
Clean up… yes this one ranks up there with coffee. Before you serve that plate of yumminess, clean it all up. Look down at the floors, are there crumbs? Now make sure you have wiped down the counters and that the sink is empty? If you take one tip away from this post, it is this one.
Sometimes we all need tips for making mom breakfast
If your crew is more advanced when it comes to cooking, I have an amazing breakfast dish for you!